Free Guide

Get more reviews without spending hours online

When you have a business to run, time is a limited commodity leaving little bandwidth for additional tasks such as regularly generating new reviews. Yet, given that 73% of consumers only pay attention to reviews written in the last month, getting new reviews is essential for attracting new customers. In this guide, we share how you can efficiently get more reviews, simplify reviews management, and attract more customers without spending hours online.

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Get started with GoClutchPromotions today

Let’s talk about how our all-in-one Experience Marketing platform helps you be found online and chosen through listings, reviews and referrals; be connected with leads and customers on the channels of their choice, and deliver the best customer experience with survey, ticketing and insights tools.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • Why multi-location businesses often struggle to get a steady flow of online reviews
  • How your team can build an excellent online reputation
  • Five easy, timesaving ways to get more reviews
  • How to simplify reviews management
  • …and much more!


Start growing with GoClutchPromotions today!

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