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How to get more Google reviews: A no-nonsense guide

Google reviews aren’t optional – they’re essential. Without them, your brand risks getting ignored by both customers and search engines. After all, they’re a major ranking factor in search and the first thing customers see when they look up one of your locations. If you don’t have many reviews right now, don’t worry – download this guide to find out how to collect and manage Google reviews and make your business the obvious choice.

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Let’s talk about how our all-in-one Experience Marketing platform helps you be found online and chosen through listings, reviews and referrals; be connected with leads and customers on the channels of their choice, and deliver the best customer experience with survey, ticketing and insights tools.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • 5 proven ways to make collecting Google reviews effortless
  • Sample review request templates that you can start sending to customers today
  • Tips and tricks for dealing with negative reviews (and limiting the damage they can do to your brand)
  • And much more!


Start growing with GoClutchPromotions today!

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