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The state of online reviews

Online reviews can make or break any business. Even a one-star change in customer ratings can significantly impact revenue – for better or worse. But how do you get more reviews? Where are customers writing reviews? What’s the most effective way to ask for a review? The more insights you have on industry trends, the more reviews you’ll be able to collect from your customers. We analyzed our customer pool of over 60,000 businesses of all sizes to identify statistics, trends, tactics and technology that will help you drive success with online reviews.

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Let’s talk about how our all-in-one Experience Marketing platform helps you be found online and chosen through listings, reviews and referrals; be connected with leads and customers on the channels of their choice, and deliver the best customer experience with survey, ticketing and insights tools.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on customer reviews
  • Which industries are getting the most positive and negative reviews
  • What channels businesses are using to send review requests
  • Where customers are writing reviews
  • Which sites are getting the most reviews by industry
  • …and much more!


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